The Factor

Hello Lovers,
      After an unanticipated hiatus, I come back to you baring thought in hand, raw and free, serene and calm. Today I’d like to tackle the issue of the factor.  Some may call it the “spark”. Some may refer to it as the wow factor. What would the x-factor in relationships be defined as? To each their own some would say. However lovers, in my opinion it is the ever elusive quality, the cohesive natural, the formidable magnetism that keeps a relationship fresh. The very essence that gets you to that relationship point, the thing that gets you the bright shiny title of boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, or wife. And it is shiny and coveted by most, shunned by others depending on their relationship background.
      So what happens when we lose that? How does that fire die? How do we realize it? Is it less sex, less emotion, less drama.  The answers may be different for some, however we all realize that it’s gone when it’s gone. This phenomenon has been experienced by many a couple. It always seems to come at the wrong time. Do we lose confidence in ourselves? This often happens when one may get out of shape, or may happen if the significant other gets INTO shape, as moronic as that sounds. How do we combat this as lovers? First step would be realization, the complete opposite of denial.  However hard it may be to do, it’s usually a good idea to look at yourself as to why you aren’t happy.  It can’t be another person’s job to make you that way, although it may seem that way sometimes. There is no simple answer to this…However, I believe that love and that spark is rooted in individuality. For more reasons than one.  We must love ourselves before we can ever love another.  This is as cliche as you wish to make it, but that doesn’t make it less the truth, and there are no versions of the truth.  We must rage against the machine, rage against the dying of the light.  Never lose the essence of who you are, for it is whom your lover fell for in the first place. Individuality is the key.  We came into this world alone and we shall leave it that way. The choice is yours. That’s my perspective, and I’m sticking to it. Until next time lovers.

D. Layne

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